
I was thinking a while ago about what this period of time will be remembered like in the grand History of the American State. I was thinking maybe this is another period of Jacksons. Andrew Jackson was extrememly popular, and hated by the general political elite, its already no surprise that Donald Trump really likes the aesthetic of Jackson, maybe Trump is another Jackson and I am over here arguing against the inevitable, a Whig arguing against Jacksonians. Maybe this is really the call for the brownshirts, maybe this is the final struggle, but it can also not be. They thought the same thing about King Andrew. I have a feeling that Trump will be up there with Jackson and Jefferson and Bryan as great democrats, men of the people, but what does that mean for me and for his movement? Will it just fade with time as people forget those issues, like Free Silver and the Scopes Trial, or will it live on as the new breath of the party like Jacksonianism? Will I be a Whig or a Hamiltonian? What will the legacy of those I decry be and where will I stand in it?
This is for me a much more real discussion than that of belief; my beliefs in Liberal values will always be true, I have no doubt they will Liberalize Trump after I'm dead, its not the belief in Freedom that is in question; my defense of that will always be sacred. It is rather the question of populism and futhering democracy in this nation and where Trump and the current GOP stand with that. Am I denouncing a modern Jackson? Can I recongize this error before the next century? I wont know, but I can think about it.
I guess if you havent noticed, as an idealist to me 'denouncing Jackson' is a bad thing, despite the genocide he was still right and populism and democracy are good, same thing with Jefferson and a lot of other morally repugnant figures that had the basic ideology correct. You hate Hamilton because he owned a slave and cheated on his wife, I hate him because he was an eliteist oligarchic anglophile who would trade tyranny for good trade any day. Jefferson raped a child he owned but that doesnt make the Declaration wrong in its ideas. I seperate the ideas from the human a lot.
Anyway thats all I had on my mind today, just where I will fall in the history of political movements, and how I'll be wrong and how I could be vindicated, I just think its mindful its not really that important, I'll be dead, but I think its interesting.

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